Northern Virginia has miles of fun hiking trails that you and your family can enjoy year-round that are close to home. Northern Virginia’s state parks, regional parks, and national parks offer footpaths for all abilities and allow everyone to enjoy the great outdoors at their own pace. The region’s extensive trails are great for day […]
Top 7 Qualities of a Great Real Estate Agent
So you’ve either just made the decision to sell your home and/or buy another. You’re now in the process of not only encountering the next chapter of your life, but also finding a reputable Realtor®. So, if you’re new to the real estate game, rest assured that we have the essentials for you to keep […]
Fall Fix: Northern Virginia Outdoor Fall Fun on the W&OD
As the last warm days of the year are replaced by blustering winds and cooler temperatures, it is natural to seek refuge in the warmth of home. But, homeowners in Northern Virginia are fortunate! Without much effort, you and your family can capitalize on the waning hours of sunlight, practically in your backyard. Crisscrossing all […]
Fall Fix: Halloween Fun for All in Northern Virginia
All Hallows’ Eve is almost upon us and Northern Virginia has a great line-up of spooky and haunting activities for all. Join in on the family-friendly fun all weekend in locales across the region. For Dog Owners:October 30: From 1:00-6:00 PM, primp your pooch for tricks and doggie treats in Old Town Alexandria. The howl-oween […]
PRODUCT REVIEW: Rachael Ray 12pc Cookware Set
Rachael Ray Cucina Hard Porcelain Enamel Nonstick Cookware Set, 12-Piece, Cranberry Red A smokey, burnt dinner mishap with hand-me-down cookware from my parents was the last straw before deciding to purchase a new set of pots and pans. After seeing this attractive, but simple set of Rachel Ray cookware at Target, I read numerous reviews […]
Fall Fix: 5 Ways to Reduce your Heating Bill and Improve Property Value
With cooler weather and shorter days upon Northern Virginia, now is the time to start checking off items on your fall home maintenance to-do list. Hold back your groans of displeasure! Though spending a weekend on home maintenance might not top the list of desirable activities, don’t wait! Besides warding off future problems and worse […]
VIDEO REVIEW: Burke Nursery & Garden Centre’s Annual Fall Festival & Pumpkin Playground
Open Now thru October 31st 2016 UPDATE: On Friday October 14th, my family visited the Burke Fall Festival & Pumpkin Playground and well…..just watch my VIDEO REVIEW here on this post to find out about what we thought of it! Original Article:The Burke Nursery Garden Centre presents the 22nd annual Fall Festival and Pumpkin Playground! […]
ELLA’S REVIEW: Burke Nursery & Garden Centre’s Annual Fall Festival & Pumpkin Playground
Kids Just Don’t Lie After watching her mother do a review of the Burke Nursery Garden Centre Fall Festival and Pumpkin Playland, Ella decided to do a Video Review of her own. While waiting to take a Haunted Hay Ride she made this video review of her time at the Pumpkin Playground! This is no […]