Starting a home search is exciting. Whether it’s your first home or you’re just ready to upgrade to a new neighborhood, new city, or bigger home, you need to know where to start. Sure, you can just plug in a few parameters online and start your search, but how do you know you’re even looking […]
What’s it Like Buying a Home During a Pandemic?
We are living in unique times with coronavirus shutting down much of the world. Fear can easily take over, but life doesn’t have to completely stop just because you’re stuck at home. Buying a home during a pandemic isn’t impossible. Advancements in technology have actually made it rather easy to buy a home without visiting […]
Take a Tour of Fairfax County Without Leaving Your Home
Being stuck inside means you have to get creative to stay entertained. Yes, you can sit in front of the TV all day, but that will get old pretty fast. Why not take a tour of Fairfax County, even without leaving your home! If you love the attractions found throughout Fairfax County and you’re missing […]
Check This Off Your List
Everyone knows someone it has happened to or has heard a tragic story. It could have been a fire, a flood, a burglary or some other disaster but to file a claim on their insurance, they need the receipts or a list for what is being claimed. Since you’re at home anyway and may even […]
Should You Consider Virtual Staging When Selling Your Home?
Technology has come a long way over the past 25 years. It’s moving at the speed of light and the next big thing seems to be introduced every month. Virtual staging is the next big thing for the real estate industry. Staging has already proven to help get your home sold faster and for more […]
5 Benefits for Home Sellers Using 3D Virtual Tours
Technology has changed the way people shop for homes. No longer do you have to actually show up, in person, to take a tour of a home you’re interested in buying. With 3D virtual tours, you can tour a property without leaving your home. Virtual home tours offer several benefits for both buyers and sellers. […]
Mortgage Closing Scams
The American bank robber, Willie Sutton, was asked why he robbed banks and his answer was “because that is where the money is.” During his 40-year career, he stole about $2 million but Internet scammers are stealing many times that amount in phishing schemes preying on unsuspecting home buyers. These crooks know where the money […]
What Buyers Can Do While Staying at Home
While you’re isolating at home, there are things you can do to help buy a home now or in the near future. Instead of spending time surfing the Internet looking at homes, do the groundwork necessary to be able to purchase the home that you find. There is a lot of documentation necessary to qualify […]