Use your refund for the Down Payment on that New Home! One of the silver linings to filing your income tax return is finding out that you are going to receive a refund. If you happen to be one of these fortunate taxpayers, your next decision is what to do with it. With the average […]
9 Reasons to Buy a Home Right Now!
Fair Skies on Horizon for Home Buyers! Buyers who have been concerned about what might happen to the tax laws affecting home ownership should feel more comfortable about moving forward with their decision to purchase. The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act passed by Congress and signed by the President continues to treat real estate as […]
The “Right” Agent and the “Right” Home
Some buyers think that finding the right home is the critical part of the buying process and that is how they determine which agent to use. While it is important, there may be a broader skill set to consider when selecting your real estate professional. The most recent NAR Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers […]
Lower Your Expenses without Private Mortgage Insurance
How to lower your Expenses without PMI Mortgage loans for more than 80% loan-to-value typically require private mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance reimburses the lender if a borrower defaults on a loan. PMI is expensive, and homeowners should be aware of how to remove it when certain conditions have been met. A borrower can request in […]
Homeowner Tax Changes you should be aware of in 2018
Basic info on the new Trump Tax Legislation The new tax law that was signed into effect at the end of 2017 will affect all taxpayers. Homeowners should familiarize themselves with the areas that could affect them which may require some planning to maximize the benefits. Some of the things that will affect most homeowners […]
Earn Some Tax Free Income When Renting Your Home
Planning to go to the Masters next April 2-9th and don’t have a place to stay. Each year, there are homeowners who rent their home for a big premium during the Masters because hotels are in short supply and demand for private homes is up. Homeowners go on vacation and make tax-free income while temporary […]
How to Prevent False Alarms on your Home Security System
Tips on preventing those Burglar False Alarms and Fees Some police departments report as high as 98% of calls are false alarms. Not only is this an incredible waste of police resources that could be available for legitimate emergencies, it annoys neighbors, startles pets and results in expensive false alarm fees. Know your codes – […]
Eleventh Hour Gifts Without Shopping
If you’re beginning to feel the pressure of running out of time to find the perfect gift, here are a few suggestions that may not be on their “list” but will certainly be appreciated. The gift of really listening without interrupting, daydreaming or planning your response can be exactly what people want when they have […]