Opening October 1st thru October 31st 2018
The Burke Garden Centre presents the 24th annual Fall Festival and Pumpkin Playground! This year’s festival will run from October 1st through October 31st and is located at 9401 Burke Rd. in Burke. The festival hours are:
9am to 8pm – Monday thru Thursday
9am to 9pm – Friday and Saturday
9am to 8pm – Sunday
Children of all ages enjoyed our event last year and we hope that you will join us this year. Our activities are designed to be both fun and educational for all. The cost of admission on weekdays is $10 per person and the weekend price is $14 per person. (Columbus Day will have the same activities as weekends and the admission price will be $14.) Weekday admissions is $10 per person. Children, under the age of two, are admitted free. Each paid admission receives a small carvable patch pumpkin and hay rides (wheel chair accessible). For more information click the links to the right or call (703) 323-1188.
See you at the Festival!