If you’re planning on relocating to the Northern Virginia area, you may want to know about the Burke VA schools. This is an important thing to understand for those moving with a family.
Nearly three-quarters of prospective buyers say that school boundaries are a key factor in their home search criteria. Finding a good school is so important that many buyers are often even willing to forego certain amenities in order to have access to quality schools that fit their children’s needs.
When looking for excellent schools, Virginia’s are among the best and Burke has some of the cream of the crop. They are famed for their academic excellence and outstanding sports programs, and they have highly active parental involvement.
Among the schools in Burke — generally found in the 22015 zip code area — are three elementary schools and one combined middle school and high school.
Here are the Elementary Burke VA Schools:
Terra Cotta Elementary School (6000 Burke Centre Pkwy)
Cherry Run Elementary School (9732 Ironmaster Dr)
White Oaks Elementary School (6130 Shiplett Blvd)
Here is the Middle School Level Burke VA Schools:
Lake Braddock Secondary (9200 Burke Lake Rd)
Here is the High School Level Burke VA Schools:
Lake Braddock Secondary School (9200 Burke Lake Rd)
(Keep in mind that school district boundaries can change and that Burke area homeowners may be zoned to attend school in nearby Springfield or Fairfax.)
Burke has just one High School, whereas nearby Springfield and Fairfax have considerably more. Burke’s combined middle and high school serves about 4200 students, with a student-teacher ratio of about 4 to 1, which is among the lowest in the state; Virginia generally averages 14 to 1. The number of students per counselor in Burke is 42 to 1, whereas the state average is 414 to 1. This means that Burke’s students get more individual attention, both in the classroom and in counseling, than do most.
While scores and numbers don’t tell the whole story, they are among the hallmarks of a good school system. Virginia public school math proficiency has a 72% average; Burke’s runs higher at 81%. Virginia public school reading proficiency has an 80% average; Burke’s runs higher at 91%. Schools in Burke, VA rank in the top 20% of Virginia public schools, which are some of the highest-ranking schools in the nation.
Other factors that are important to prospective home buyers are high test scores in other areas, accelerated programs, arts and music, diversity, and before- and after-school programs. It is also worth noting that 91% of Burke, VA teachers have three or more years of experience. As teachers gain experience, their students have proven to be more likely to do better on other measures of success beyond test scores, such as school attendance.
Extracurricular programs enhance a school system in parents’ eyes as well because they provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom. Any time students are offered the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, they become more well-rounded. Burke, VA’s Middle School After-School Program, for example, offers a wide variety of clubs including recreation, social, life skills and academic enrichment activities. In middle school, students choose specific clubs of interest.
Smart parents also search specifically for school systems with strong Parent Teacher Associations and/or that appreciate parents offering their voice to school decision-making. Burke VA schools PTAs are exceptionally active.
One parent described their Burke, VA school system experience as “supportive” with a “devoted staff [that] helped my son develop the coping strategies and empowered him to thrive and grow academically and emotionally… He is leaving Burke with confidence in his abilities, significant academic growth, and the coping skills to be more successful in a variety of settings. There are many ways for students to experience success and recognition at Burke while learning the skills to be successful academically. The encouragement and positive engagement for my son and our family was invaluable. I can’t recommend a school more highly.”
There is a lot that goes into a child’s educational experience, and the Burke school system offers so much that parents value.
Real estate agents know how important school ratings are to homebuyers. In addition to their impact on students, this is especially true since school districts can affect a home’s purchase price and resale value. Homes that are located near top-quality school districts usually translate to higher property values and generally have better resale potential.
Here at List With Elizabeth, we know that finding a good school is an important part of your Burke, VA home search and with our personal experience and knowledge of Burke VA schools, we’d love to be your resource.
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