Now that the cold weather has arrived, you might be considering the benefits of a home treadmill. However, you might not have much room to spare or money to spend. Compact treadmills are a great option that are affordable and don’t take up much space. Compact treadmills are lightweight and foldable, so you can set them up wherever you want on any given day. There are many compact treadmills available. One that I can recommend is the Exerpeutic 100XL High Capacity Magnetic Resistance Manual Treadmill. It is available on Amazon and delivery is free. Assembly is easy. It doesn’t take up the whole room, folds up, and has two wheels for mobility. The treadmill has a good feature called ‘Pacer Control’ that lets you control the speed and tension and walk hands-free. You can manually set the incline with the adjustable quick-release under the runway. It also features extra-long safety handles to provide walking security and prevent loss of balance. The cushioning is comfortable. There are also pulse pads to measure target heart rates. Best of all are the two wheels at the front, so when you are done you can fold it up and wheel it into the closet or off to the side. All in all, this treadmill provides a relatively smooth walk or jog. If there is a downside, the unit creaks slightly, but this is a small nitpick since it is non-motorized and doesn’t make a lot of noise anyway. Exerpeutic offers other models as well. I recommend the Exerpeutic 100XL. It really is good to have on cold and rainy days, is solid, and gets the job done. It is also a great way to break up a work day if you are telecommuting and need a break from sitting at a computer. The Exerpeutic 100XL should fit your exercise and budget needs without taking up a lot of floor space.