Homeowners are familiar that they can deduct the interest and property taxes from their income tax returns. They also understand that there is a substantial capital gains exclusion for qualified sales of up to $250,000 if single and $500,000 for married filing jointly. However, ongoing record keeping tends to be overlooked. New homeowners should get […]
Costs More – Takes Longer
The one experience that homeowners can agree upon after completing a remodeling project is that it costs more and takes longer than expected. It doesn’t really matter that you researched, planned, and received multiple bids, it will, invariably, cost more and take longer than you originally anticipated. Replacing floorcovering or painting is a project that […]
Case Study – Housing Decision During Retirement
A couple is planning to tour the United States in a travel trailer during their first few years of retirement. They are going to sell their current home now and purchase another home when they finish their travels. An interesting exercise is to determine the optimum time of selling the home: now or when they’re […]
History of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C.
An interesting look at how this annual tradition came to Washington! Wаѕhingtоn, D.C. wеlсоmеѕ the аrrivаl оf ѕрring with thе Nаtiоnаl Cherry Blоѕѕоm Fеѕtivаl, a trаditiоn that ѕhоwсаѕеѕ thе beautiful gift оf 3,000 cherry trееѕ that thе сitу оf Tokyo gave tо оur nation’s сарitаl in 1912. Thе аnnuаl thrее-wееk, сitу-widе еvеnt fеаturеѕ mоrе than […]
Why Waiting to Buy a Home will Actually Cost you More
Includes a Cost of Waiting to Buy a Home Calculator With the first quarter of 2018 in the books, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage is nearing what Freddie Mac predicted it would be in the second quarter. If this pace continues, rates will exceed the five percent mark expected by the end of the year. […]
Housing Inventory Continues to be a Challenge
How low housing inventory can impact your buying and selling! In any given market, inventories fluctuate based on supply and demand considering area and price range. The National Association of REALTORS considers a balanced market to be a six-month supply of homes. If it takes longer than six months to sell, it is thought to […]
Standard or Itemized Tax Deductions for 2018?
What will be best for you with the New 2018 Tax Laws in Effect? Taxpayers can decide each year whether to take the standard deduction or their itemized deductions when filing their personal income tax returns. Roughly, 75% of households with more than $75,000 income and most homeowners itemize their deductions. Beginning in 2018, the […]
Inventory Continues to be a Challenge
In any given market, inventories fluctuate based on supply and demand considering area and price range. The National Association of REALTORS considers a balanced market to be a six-month supply of homes. If it takes longer than six months to sell, it is thought to be a buyer’s market and less than six months, a […]